Do you live far away? I have a few options below for travel and puppy delivery.

DRIVING: We can meet half way within reason or I can deliver the puppy to your home if it's within our range. I will deliver or meet up to a maximum of a 400 miles round-trip (200 miles one-way). The fee is .35 cents per mile. Example, a 100 miles is $35.00 or the maximum 400 mile trip is $140.00
FLYING: I can personally fly with your puppy or my flight nanny on the plane and meet you at the airport OR YOU CAN ALSO FLY HERE (FWA airport code). The families who have selected this option have been very happy. I have personally flown with puppies to Texas, Florida, Philadelphia, California, Maine, New York, Colorado, Puerto Rico, Nevada and more. The puppy or puppies travel with me in the cabin of the plane in a soft carrier (I have videos on my facebook fan page). You and I meet in person at the airport. This is a wonderful option if you live far away. This total flight fee is $500/800 depending on the price of the flight for the lower 48 states and Puerto Rico. However if you live outside of the lower 48 the price might be more.
The standard flight fee of $500/$800 covers everything. How the fee is divided up: The flight ranges from ($250 to $600 on average), the fee for the puppy to fly is ($125), the hotel fee is ($150/$175) but only if I can't fly right back home the same day, and other airport/travel expenses such as airport parking ($38), gas is typically ($35) for the 74 mile round-trip to Fort Wayne IN or to fly out of Indianapolis (I rarely fly from there as it's too far from my home) is for 218 miles round-trip drive ($73). I take the cheapest flights when possible and I often book the red-eye flight home to help keep the flight fee as low as possible too. I spend 18 to 24 hours of MY TIME on every flight to and from the family, at this time I do not charge for this service--you pay only the actual fee for the flight/travel expenses. *A flight fee deposit of $500 is due when the pups are born. I then book the flight and if the flight fee exceeds $500 (that's very likely), then you pay the remaining flight fee balance that exceeded the $500 deposit, once the flight is booked.
HERE IS A VIDEO OF A PUPPY WITH ME ON THE PLANE AS WE LANDED IN LAS VEGAS. You can see that he is quite content and happy while we fly. You do not need a facebook account to view this video which is LINKED TO MY FACEBOOK.
FLYING: I can personally fly with your puppy or my flight nanny on the plane and meet you at the airport OR YOU CAN ALSO FLY HERE (FWA airport code). The families who have selected this option have been very happy. I have personally flown with puppies to Texas, Florida, Philadelphia, California, Maine, New York, Colorado, Puerto Rico, Nevada and more. The puppy or puppies travel with me in the cabin of the plane in a soft carrier (I have videos on my facebook fan page). You and I meet in person at the airport. This is a wonderful option if you live far away. This total flight fee is $500/800 depending on the price of the flight for the lower 48 states and Puerto Rico. However if you live outside of the lower 48 the price might be more.
The standard flight fee of $500/$800 covers everything. How the fee is divided up: The flight ranges from ($250 to $600 on average), the fee for the puppy to fly is ($125), the hotel fee is ($150/$175) but only if I can't fly right back home the same day, and other airport/travel expenses such as airport parking ($38), gas is typically ($35) for the 74 mile round-trip to Fort Wayne IN or to fly out of Indianapolis (I rarely fly from there as it's too far from my home) is for 218 miles round-trip drive ($73). I take the cheapest flights when possible and I often book the red-eye flight home to help keep the flight fee as low as possible too. I spend 18 to 24 hours of MY TIME on every flight to and from the family, at this time I do not charge for this service--you pay only the actual fee for the flight/travel expenses. *A flight fee deposit of $500 is due when the pups are born. I then book the flight and if the flight fee exceeds $500 (that's very likely), then you pay the remaining flight fee balance that exceeded the $500 deposit, once the flight is booked.
HERE IS A VIDEO OF A PUPPY WITH ME ON THE PLANE AS WE LANDED IN LAS VEGAS. You can see that he is quite content and happy while we fly. You do not need a facebook account to view this video which is LINKED TO MY FACEBOOK.

I do NOT Ship puppies and here is why... SHIPPING PUPPIES is not the same as flying with the puppy in the cabin which is how I travel with puppies/dogs. Breeders who SHIP puppies are sending them in the cargo hold with the luggage and they charge anywhere from $350 to $500. The puppy is shipped in the cargo hold with no caretaker available and no one to be accountable for any issues once you pick up your puppy at the airport. How does shipping a puppy work? Puppies are checked in at the airport luggage drop and they are then treated as luggage and travel with the luggage--not with people. They sit outside on the loud tarmac waiting to be loaded before the flight with the luggage. During the flight the puppy is literally in the bowels of the plane and these flights can be anywhere from 6 to 18 hours (direct flights are dangerous enough however connecting flights hold even more risk). The plane is only temperature controlled while in flight. It gets very hot and can be very cold between flights and while waiting for the plane to take off. The sound of the plane is deafening/frightening in the cargo hold, sitting on the tarmac waiting to be loaded is also dangerous and if there is a delayed flight or mechanical issue the puppy has no one there as they wait in the bowel of the plane or on the tarmac not to mention temperature fluctuation risks. The breeder is also not at the airport to meet you in order to be accountable if there is an issue once the puppy arrives or if the puppy fails to arrive at all or if it is the wrong puppy. Lastly, I want to meet ALL of the families in person. I personally fly with the puppy in my constant care and they remain in my care the entire trip. As soon as I book the flight I forward that information to the family in an email. I hand deliver the puppy directly to you at the airport and we sign the paperwork in person and go over the puppy welcome package together.
I have a better option which is personal delivery safely from my care directly to yours. You pay the $500/$800 fee once the pregnancy is confirmed or within the first week after birth. I can provide receipts as well. I do NOT overcharge for this service. Puppies are at least 9/10 weeks old when they fly out with me. You may also contact families that have had me hand deliver a Schnauzer to them at the airport. I know you will be very happy with this option if you live to far away to drive here. Meeting halfway is not always convenient either, so flying is a wonderful option.
I have a better option which is personal delivery safely from my care directly to yours. You pay the $500/$800 fee once the pregnancy is confirmed or within the first week after birth. I can provide receipts as well. I do NOT overcharge for this service. Puppies are at least 9/10 weeks old when they fly out with me. You may also contact families that have had me hand deliver a Schnauzer to them at the airport. I know you will be very happy with this option if you live to far away to drive here. Meeting halfway is not always convenient either, so flying is a wonderful option.