Bristol retired after one litter in 2011 and is right here with us!
Mollie retired in 2012 and lives with Susie. {Not Available}
Mollie lives with a lovely lady named Susie in Indiana. Susie is retired and has plenty of time to devote to Mollie. Susie said that Mollie LOVES going on walks and we knew she did. :) Mollie loves to play outside and watch squirrels. She sleeps with Susie every night and is enjoying retirement with lots of love and attention. Retired in Dec 2012.
Zach has been a big part of Riggs Miniature Schnauzers and retired in 2015 at 5.5 years old. This is him with his family. NOT AVAILABLE
RUGER is retired and living in Texas. He was retired at 2.5 years old. NOT Available
OLIVER's is retired in California with a wonderful family and they also adopted Jackie three years after they adopted Oliver from me.
I am adding TWO video links below. OLIVER is one of my past puppies that also sired two litters before he went to join his new mom Nancy in CA. He joined her in March of 2015 at the age of two. Oliver does awesome with other dogs and all people—he loves to please. So Nancy is having him trained to be able to go into Children Hospital's. Elite Canine Services is featured in the video with the Trainer/Owner Trina. Trina does this training in three weeks! These videos are of Oliver after ONLY one week of training. He has two more to go. I could not be more proud of Oliver and thrilled that Nancy has such a loving heart she took these steps to have Oliver “fine-tuned” so he can be a joy to Children in hospitals. Oliver is the small dog in both videos. In one video he is on the leash walking and the other he is in the stay position.
Jackie only had one litter and then we retired her at 2.5 years old. She is happily living with Oliver and his family in California. She is such a sweetheart and such a happy little dog too!
Molly retired in 2015 at 4.5 years old. NOT AVAILABLE
Molly is retired. She lives with a family in Indiana that has a another Schnauzer with from me too. They said Molly acted like she has always lived with them. She did not skip a beat after joining them. Molly is a wonderful dog that will be missed but I know she will love retirement. Retired in Sept 2015.
Aspen, now named Zoe is retired and living in Ohio. NOT AVAILABLE
Aspen now named Zoe was retired in Feb of 2015 and only had ONE PUPPY. The home I had originally placed her was a bit too quiet for Aspen and she started getting depressed. The lady and I decided Aspen needed more activity and the companionship of other dogs too. So Aspen aka Zoe is now happily living with Karen and her family and two awesome doggie pals! Zoe is in heaven and is back to what's normal for her. I truly appreciate the lady (Barb) who had her but was able to let her go. The photos of Zoe with Karen and her family does my heart good!
Romie retired and her forever home is with the Chambers. NOT AVAILABLE
Romie retired in the fall of 2015 at 4 years old. She joined one of her past puppies Hawkeye (now full grown) and another Schnauzer from my program named Gunner as well. We could not be more thrilled for Romie, Hawkeye and Gunner!
Romie LOVES her new home and family! Thank you to the Chambers for being such an awesome Schnauzer family. |
Carter has been rehomed with a family in Arkansas. NOT AVAILABLE
Piper is retired and lives with my In-laws. NOT AVAILABLE
Piper is retired and lives with my In-laws and my In-laws also have a Schnauzer from us named Lily. Lily and Piper are just about the same age. Lily is the puppy of Mollie and Zach. My In-laws ADORE Piper. Picture is Piper and Lily looking out the window at my In-laws.
Piper loves retired life with my in-laws. |
Ginger is retired and living in Pennsylvania. Not AVAILABLE
Ginger is another great dog that is super happy about going on walks and loves her toys. She likes to collect toys and sleep with them. She is laid back and sweet. She loves retired life in PA with her new family. She is training now to be a therapy dog and they absolutely LOVE her! She also does wonderful with their grand-kids. Ginger retired at the age of 4.5 years old.
Riley loves retired life in Saint Louis, Missouri.
Riley is now retired and we couldn’t be happier that she joined a family who all have Schnauzers from us...Grandma, Mom and daughter and NOW another Grandma adopted Eve one of our other retired Moms.... They drove over 7 hours again to pick up Riley yesterday June 28th, 2018. Riley retired at 6 years old.
Update: Riley has settled right in with her new Mom, Rosemary and we knew she would because she is a lover. ❤️ She follows her new mom around like a little duckling and they are getting along fabulously. Riley slept with her mom last night too and snuggled all night. They go on several walks a day too. Retirement is a success! 💓
Update: Riley has settled right in with her new Mom, Rosemary and we knew she would because she is a lover. ❤️ She follows her new mom around like a little duckling and they are getting along fabulously. Riley slept with her mom last night too and snuggled all night. They go on several walks a day too. Retirement is a success! 💓
Willow and VEGAS are RETIRED and adopted by a family who have a puppy from Willow and Ruger too.
Willow and Vegas have retired to the same family and they also got a puppy from Willow a few years ago. The ladies MOM also has a Schnauzer from me. Willow and Vegas love their new family and made themselves right at home when they retired. Willow retired at six years old and Vegas was 2.5 years old.
Eve has been adopted into the same family unit who have Riley and two other Schnauzers from me too. Eve retired at six years old. NOT AVAILABLE
Eve is retired and loving life with her new fur-mom who is also retired. Eve adjusted right away and they said that she is an absolute sweetie--we already new that.
The family who have Eve, they have family who also have Riley from me, and additional family who have two other Schnauzers from me. Two Grandma's, Mom, and daughter all have Schnauzers from me. |
Kennedy is retired and with a family who got a puppy from me many years ago.
Kennedy retired right before she turned four years old. She is also with her Uncle now too. Kennedy made a smooth transition to her new home and is adored by her Mom Mary. NOT AVAILABLE
Remi retired at 5.5 years old and joined a past puppy of mine too. NOT AVAILABLE
Remi joined her new family in 2019 at 5.5 years old. The family also has another Schnauzer from us too. They said that Remi made a seamless transition into their home and they just LOVE her!
Winchester is retired. He retired at five years old. NOT AVAILABLE
Winchester retired with a family (my husband works with the husband) and Winchester loves camping all summer and his new BFF doggie friend Jack (white Schnauzer) pictured with him. *Jack is not from me. Winchester also made a smooth and awesome transition to his new home in May of 2019.
London retired in the late summer of 2019--at 2.5 years old
LONDON is enjoying the retired life with her new family. They are so happy with her and they said she is so funny. Picture of London in her new home.
Grant retired late summer 2019 at 3.5 years old. NOT AVAILABLE
GRANT is enjoying the retired life and is doing wonderful with his family. He goes on walks often and gets to enjoy all of the attention.
Philly is retired and joined her new family OCT 2019
Philly is now retired and only had pups in 2019. She is retired with a family who got a puppy from me in 2016. Picture update of Philly being silly and standing on the table. The other Schnauzer pictured is one of my past puppies and a few years older than Philly. Philly is also Piper and Winchester's daughter. Her siblings (some half) are Oliver, Sydney, Savannah, and Bibi.